Disc 1:
1.Lights Along the Way - India (1959)
2.Meshes of the Afternoon (1959)
3.Lights Along the Way - Java/Korea (1959)
4.The Very Eye of Night (1952)
5.Lights Along the Way - China (1959)
6.Search for Love/Rape Scene - Maeva (1961)
7.Return to Tahiti - Maeva (1961)
8.True Love Found - Maeva (1961)
Disc 2:
1.Dwightiana (1959)
2.Bagatelle for Willard Maas (1961)
3.Moonplay (1961)
4.Arabesque for Kenneth Anger (1961)
5.Operation Hourglass - Diesel Engine (1956)
6.Water Music Study (1967)
7.Orgia (1967)
8.The Language of Faces (1961)
9.Works of Matisse (1959)
10.Handwritten (1959)
11.Lifelines (1960)